Fig. 1.
Lrp2 gene in RPE cells but not in retinal neurons are required for the proper ocular biometric development. (A) Representative immunohistochemistry of choroid flat-mount of 8-week-old Lrp2RPE Cont and Lrp2RPE KO mouse (green: LRP2, red: ZO and 1). Enlargement and deformation of RPEs and less LRP2 expression are observed in Lrp2RPE KO mouse (bottom) compared to Cont mouse (upper). Scale bar: 1 mm (left panels), 100 µm (right panels). (B) Quantification of LRP2 relative area in RPEs of the choroid of 8-week-old Lrp2RPE KO and Lrp2RPE Cont mouse. n = 3. ****P < 0.0001, two-tailed Student's t-tests. (C) Representative OCT image of the whole eye in 8-week-old Lrp2RPE Cont and Lrp2RPE KO mouse (vitreous chamber depth + retinal thickness; blue line, lens thickness; orange line, anterior chamber depth; gray line; corneal thickness; and yellow line). Scale bar in red: 1 mm. (D) Quantification of different axial parameters in 8-week-old Lrp2RPE Cont and Lrp2RPE KO mouse. Significant differences are shown in axial length, vitreous chamber depth + retinal thickness, and anterior chamber depth. n = 4 Cont, n = 8 KO. ****P < 0.0001, two-tailed Student's t-tests. (E) Axial length comparison between different cre-transgenic Lrp2floxed/floxed mice (Lrp2Retina Cont, Lrp2Retina KO; Lrp2RPE Cont, Lrp2RPE KO). No significant difference is seen in Lrp2Retina KO and its control (Lrp2Retina Cont) group. n = 4. ****P < 0.0001, one-way ANOVA tests. Graphs present as mean ± SD.