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. 2022 Dec 30;17(12):e0279464. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0279464

Table 2. Entomological metrics from bi-weekly CDC light trap collections stratified by parish.

Metric Busia District Tororo District
Buteba Parish Kayoro Parish Osukuru Parish
Total collections 261 645 284
Total female anopheles collected 6170 8447 4946
Relative proportion of different Anopheles species Anopheles gambiae s.s. 85.4% 48.4% 29.2%
Anopheles arabiensis 8.4% 37.3% 32.9%
Anopheles funestus 5.5% 12.2% 34.0%
Other Anopheles species 0.7% 2.0% 3.8%
Daily human biting rate 23.6 13.1 17.4
Tested for sporozoites 4546 8031 4526
Positive for sporozoites 57 46 42
Sporozoite rate 1.25% 0.57% 0.93%
Annual entomological inoculation rate 108.2 27.4 59.0