Qualitative themes for school meal special diets during the initial onset of the COVID-19 pandemic
Brief theme description | Representative quote(s) |
Theme 1. Logistical processes of managing special meals, n = 57 (54.3%) | |
Participants discussed their logistical processes for providing special meals during emergency feeding. Some reached out to individual families with students who needed special meals, and others requested the family contact the school. Various methods were used to distribute special meals. Difficulties procuring needed items were reported. | Families call to make requests. Meals are labeled and placed on appropriate bus routes. We reached out to each child we were serving normally with a dietary accommodations form. Asked if needed meals. Have ready at their pick up meal location of preference. Not getting needed food items! |
Theme 2. Feelings toward special meals during pandemic, n = 53 (50.5%) | |
Throughout responses, participants expressed their feelings toward providing special meals during emergency feeding. Although some reported providing special meals was challenging or frustrating, other reported no change or even satisfaction. | Difficult, confusing, poor quality. Frustrating. A lot of worry. This is no different than the school year … Exhausting and rewarding. Families are grateful. |
Theme 3. Demand for special meals, n = 40 (38.1%) | |
Some participants noted the decrease in requests for special meals during emergency feeding. Participants noted feeling frustrated when the extra effort to provide special meals was wasted if students or families did not claim their meals. Others noted the demand did not change from | They say they are coming and don't show so I have a meal I can't use and I have new allergies that parents want meals for. The kids have been at my schools for multiple years without any requests. Not many requests but the same response as in the school year. We provide for these children during the school year so already know their needs. |
Theme 4. Special dietary needs accommodated, n = 25 (23.8%) | |
Participants described the type of special meals their schools were accommodating during emergency feeding. Some only had requests for certain special meals, whereas others limited the types of special meals they could provide. | Daily carb count for diabetics. Vegetarian and gluten-free options available. We are only focusing on the life-threatening food allergies such as peanut. Mostly requests for lactose-free milk only. We do prepare a limited number of nut and egg free meals. |