Mean SEIzure interVALs (SEIVALs) for consistent cohort for Periods 1–4 (360 days; n = 76) with and without retreatments eliminated across time. To control for survival bias across time, consistent cohorts with one or more SEIVALs between seizure clusters in each period were examined. As Periods 1–4 included 360 days, this most closely matched the 12‐month treatment period of the phase 3 safety study of diazepam nasal spray. Here, second doses administered within 24 h of the first dose were eliminated from the analysis. This ensured that time between retreatments for the same seizure cluster (defined by 24 h) were not included. Mean SEIVALs for Periods 1–4 are shown for the subgroups of patients in consistent cohort with and without retreatments eliminated. **p < .01, ***p ≤ .001 compared with Period 1.