Step 1: Coding of text ‘line‐by‐line’ |
Text excerpts reporting the values and/or unintended negative consequences of public involvement activities in the studies were coded line‐by‐line, compared and then stored in NVivo. |
Step 2: Development of ‘descriptive themes’ |
Descriptive themes based on the initial coding of the two predefined main themes that is, (1), added value of public involvement processes and (2) unintended negative consequences of public involvement processes, were developed. |
Step 3: Generation of ‘analytical themes’ |
Analytic themes and corresponding sub‐themes were developed based on the descriptive themes derived from step 2. |
Added value—(1a) added value on the individual level with sub‐themes (i) appreciation, (ii) satisfaction, (iii) health benefits, (iv) attachment (1b) added value on the service level with sub‐themes (i) improved relationships, (ii) understanding of needs, (iii) environmental change and (1c) added value on the political level with sub‐theme (i) service priorities and (ii) policy recommendations. |
Unintended negative consequences of public involvement processes that is, (2a) individual resources required, (2b) influence uncertainty and (2c) power differences and then presented as the results with illustrative excerpts from the coded articles. |