FIG. 1.
(A) Effect of acapsular (CBS 7698) or encapsulated (CBS 6995) C. neoformans on surface or total CTLA-4 expression on T cells. PBMC untreated (NS) or treated with C. neoformans at an E:T ratio of 1:2 were incubated for 24 and 96 h. PHA (5 μg/ml) was used as a positive control. The results are given as percentage of increase of surface or total CTLA-4 expression with respect to unstimulated cells (100%). The results are the mean ± SE of six experiments from six different donors. ∗, P < 0.05 (CBS 6995-treated cells versus CBS 7698-treated cells). (B) Effect of acapsular (CBS 7698) or encapsulated (CBS 6995) C. neoformans on total T-cell CTLA-4 expression. PBMC untreated (NS) or treated with C. neoformans at an E:T ratio of 1:2 were incubated for 96 h. PHA (5 μg/ml) was used as a positive control. For each analysis, dot plot graphs of forward scatter versus side scatter were drawn and lymphocyte region R1 was defined. Data were collected through the acquisition gate R1. FL1 represents CTLA-4 expression, and FL2 represents background red fluorescence of cells. The results are from a representative experiment of six performed with similar results.