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. 2022 Aug 12;32(6):1121–1133. doi: 10.1111/jon.13035


Amplitude values of axial and sagittal measurements, ICCs, and Bland‐Altman coefficients in each cervical segment in stenotic and nonstenotic segments

Nonstenotic segments
Axial Sagittal Bland‐Altman coefficients Intraclass correlation coefficients
Segment N Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD 1.96 × SD p ICC CImin CImax p
C2 62 0.51 0.28 0.48 0.25 0.02 0.12 0.23 .186 .902 .842 .940 <.001
C3 24 0.63 0.24 0.58 0.23 0.06 0.10 0.19 .010 .896 .719 .958 <.001
C4 22 0.69 0.34 0.83 0.40 –0.14 0.27 0.53 .004 .687 .353 .861 <.001
C5 7 0.80 0.48 0.82 0.43 –0.02 0.07 0.13 .378 .990 .948 .998 <.001
C6 21 0.74 0.41 0.76 0.40 –0.02 0.20 0.39 .903 .883 .734 .951 <.001
Stenotic segments
Axial Sagittal Bland‐Altman coefficients Intraclass correlation coefficients
Segment N Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD 1.96 × SD p ICC CImin CImax p
C2 0 na Na na na na na na na na na na na
C3 19 1.09 0.72 0.99 0.73 0.10 0.27 0.52 .049 .928 .822 .972 <.001
C4 29 0.94 0.54 1.03 0.61 –0.09 0.31 0.62 .115 .842 .691 .923 <.001
C5 47 1.08 0.54 1.07 0.54 0.02 0.20 0.39 .587 .934 .884 .962 <.001
C6 20 1.06 0.47 1.00 0.39 0.06 0.23 0.46 .277 .849 .663 .937 <.001

Note: The motion amplitude values in subgroups with measurements in nonstenotic (upper table) and stenotic (lower table) segments are reported per cervical segment for axial and sagittal measurements. The amplitude difference between axial minus sagittal measurements was significantly different from 0 at segment C3 and C4 in nonstenotic segments and at segment C3 in stenotic segments. Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs; two‐way mixed model, single measures, absolute agreement) with its 95% confidence interval (CI) are presented for each cervical segment.

Abbreviations: N, number of measurements; SD = standard deviation.