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. 2022 Aug 16;102(5):379–390. doi: 10.1111/cge.14198


Clinical characteristics of French patients carrying biallelic mutations in HINT1 compared with literature data

Patient 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Literature review a
Genotype c.110G>C p.(Arg37Pro) homozygous c.334C>A p.(His112Asn) homozygous c.110G>C p.(Arg37Pro) homozygous c.110G>C p.(Arg37Pro) homozygous c.334C>A p.(His112Asn) homozygous c.310G>C p.(Gly104Arg) homozygous c.334C>A p.(His112Asn) homozygous Figure 1
Sex F M M M F M M F: 58% (n = 40)–M: 42% (n = 29)
Origin Austrian Portuguese Kosovan French Roma Algerian Roma/French Figure 2
Consanguinity No Yes No No Yes Yes No Yes: 25% (n = 14) – No: 75% (n = 42)
Age at examination (years) 26 23 37 17 14 23 19
Age of onset (years) 4 2 24 6 8 7 1 Average: 9,8 (min 2–max 30)
Schooling Normal Specialized Normal Normal with LSA Specialized Specialized Normal
Walk Abnormal without aids Abnormal with orthosis Abnormal without aids Abnormal without aids Abnormal without aids Abnormal without aids Abnormal without aids
Feet abnormalities Pes planus Pes planus, short Achille's tendons Pes cavus NA Short Achille's tendons Pes cavus, short Achille's tendons Pes cavus Presence: 85% (n = 29/34)
Scoliosis Presence Presence Absence Presence Absence Absence Absence Presence: 55% (n = 6/11)
DTR Absence Absence Absence Absence Absence Absence Absence
Clinical motor testing Abnormal Abnormal Abnormal NA Abnormal Abnormal Abnormal
Symptoms suggesting myotonia Presence Presence Presence Presence Presence Absence Absence 69% (n = 58/84)
Additional clinical features Muscle retractions Lordosis, irregular tremor on the finger‐nose test, overweight, hip hyperlaxity, chronic constipation Hypersudation, Ataxia
Median MCV (m/s) 52 56.8 NA NA 46.8 41.8 >40
NCS Axonal motor neuropathy Axonal motor and sensory neuropathy Axonal motor and sensory neuropathy Axonal motor and sensory neuropathy Axonal motor neuropathy Axonal motor neuropathy Axonal motor neuropathy

Axonal motor neuropathy: 34% (n = 39/114)

Axonal motor and sensory neuropathy: 66% (n = 75/114)

Neuromyotonia Absence Presence Presence Presence Presence Absence Absence 73% (n = 63/84)
NDD or ID Dyslexia ID Absence NDD NDD and ID NDD and ID NDD and ID n = 1/127
Psychiatric disorders Absence Absence Absence Depression, TDAH GAD and OCD Absence Absence n = 3/127
Brain MRI Normal Normal NA NA Not performed Normal Not performed
CK (norm: 0–190 IU/L) 339 620 NA 923 272 1636 Normal Inscreased 67% (n = 26/39)

Abbreviations: DTR, deep tendon reflexes; EMG, electromyography; F, female; GAD, generalized anxiety disorder; LSA, learning support assistant; ID, intellectual deficiency; M, male; MCV, motor conduction velocity; NA, not available; NDD, neurodevelopmental disorder; NCS, nerve conduction studies; OCD, obsessive–compulsive disorder.


Exhaustive bibliography in Appendix A.