Diagram of proposed model of how SVEP1 regulated GPCR‐mediated vasoconstriction. U46619 binds to TXA2 receptors (TXA2R) to activate Gαq and G12/13 signalling. Gαq activates PLCβ, which hydrolyses PIP2 into DAG and IP3. Binding of IP3 to the IP3 receptors (IP3R) on the SR induces Ca2+ release from stores. DAG activated PKC promotes the opening of VGCCs to initiate Ca2+ influx into the cell. Ca2+‐bound CaM activates MLCK, which phosphorylates MLC leading to contraction. Activation of PKC and G12/13 also activates ROCK, which inhibits MLCP, promoting further activation of MLC and contraction. SVEP1 regulates contractility of VSMC via integrins α4/α9 by interacting with both calcium‐dependent pathways that reduce PKC activity and the influx of extracellular Ca2+ through VGCCs, and calcium sensitisation via ROCK. Abbreviations: α4, integrin α4β1; α9, integrin α9β1; CaM, calmodulin; DAG, diacylglycerol; IP3, inositol triphosphate; MLC(K)(P), myosin light chain (kinase)(phosphatase); PIP2, phosphatidylinositol diphosphate; PKC, protein kinase C; PLCβ, phospholipase C β; ROCK, Rho A/Rho kinase; SR, sarcoplasmic reticulum; VGCCs, voltage gated calcium channels; VSMC, vascular smooth muscle cell