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. 2022 Aug 20;62(10):2117–2136. doi: 10.1111/trf.17064


Interventions and definitions and assessments of bleeding in the included trials

Author, year Intervention (prophylaxis group) Control (no prophylaxis group) Bleeding scale Definitions of bleeding Assessment of bleeding
Assir et al., 2013 Platelet transfusion with 1 SD platelet unit (≥5 × 1011 platelets/unit) at study entry No platelet transfusion WHO Bleeding scale

Clinically important bleeding: “Severe bleeding” defined as WHO grade 3 and 4

Any bleeding: “New onset bleeding” defined as WHO grade 1–4

Assessor: Not reported

Assessment: Patients were assessed for WHO bleeding ever 12 h

Grossman et al., 1980 Platelet transfusion with 1 unit of either SD (4.8 × 1011 platelets/unit) or RD (4.8–6.4 × 1011/unit) platelets to maintain platelet count above 20 × 109/L through all hospital admissions Platelet transfusions were given for clinically significant bleeding and prior to invasive procedures Study specific

Clinically important bleeding: “Severe bleeding”

Any bleeding: “Mild bleeds” defined as bleeds not requiring active intervention

Assessor: The clinical team performed the assessment

Assessment: Daily clinical assessment for signs of bleeding. Fundoscopic examination twice daily when the platelet count was ≤20 × 109/L.

Lye et al., 2017

Supportive care plus 4 units RD (platelets/unit not reported) platelets each day the platelet count was ≤20 × 109/L up until day 7 or discharge

If bleeding occurred, platelet transfusions were given at the clinician's discretion in both groups

Supportive care None

Clinically important bleeding: Defined according to the WHO 2009 dengue guidelines: gum, nose, hemoptysis, hematuria, hematemesis, melaena, melaena or hematemesis‐not controlled by procedure, menorrhagia, menorrhagia or intermenstrual bleeding‐not controlled by progesterone, intermenstrual, hematoma, menses, others

Definition of any bleeding: Not reported

Assessor: Not reported

Assessment: Daily clinical assessment from day 1 until day 7 or discharge and at day 21 (+/−3)

Murphy et al., 1982 Platelet transfusion with RD (4 units/m2 body surface, platelets/unit not reported) platelets when platelet count was <20 × 109/L irrespective of clinical events. The goal was to maintain a platelet count above 20 × 109/L throughout the patient's course. Platelet transfusion were given for serious bleeding episodes None

Definition of clinically important bleeding: Serious bleeding episodes (bleeds) was defined as nasal or oral bleeding requiring packing, gross gastrointestinal bleeding, gross genitourinary bleeding, any central nervous system bleeding, or bleeding requiring red blood cell transfusion. Uncomplicated dermal bleeding was not included.

Definition of any bleeding: Not reported

Assessor: Not reported

Assessment: Not reported

Sintnicolaas et al., 1981 Platelet transfusion (units/transfusion not reported) with either RD or SD platelets (4 × 1011 platelets/unit) were given to maintain a platelet count above 20 × 109/L. Duration unclear. Platelet transfusion were given for hemorrhage only None

Clinically important bleeding: Not reported

Any bleeding: Not reported

Assessor: Not reported

Assessment: Not reported

Solomon et al., 1978 Platelet transfusion with RD platelet (units/transfusion and dose not reported) whenever platelet count was <20 × 109/L and when clinically significant bleeding occurred throughout the patient's course Platelet transfusion were given when clinically significant bleeding occurred or when a platelet count of <20 × 109/L was preceded by a decline of 50% in the platelet count during the preceding 24 h Bleeding was not assessed

Clinically important bleeding: NA

Any bleeding: NA

Assessor: NA

Assessment: NA

Stanworth et al., 2013

Platelet transfusion with 1 unit of primarily RD (>240 × 109/L platelets/unit) platelets when platelet count was <10 × 109/L and continued daily until the platelet count is greater than 10 × 109/L for 30 days

Both groups were transfused with platelets if bleeding of WHO grade 2 or more occurred and prior to invasive procedures or surgery

Platelets transfusions were not prophylactically given irrespective of platelet counts Modified WHO Bleeding scale

Clinically important bleeding: “Clinical bleeding” was defined as bleeding of a modified WHO grade 2 or higher

Any bleeding: Not reported

Assessor: Local research nurse for inpatients and self‐assessment for discharged patients (unblinded)

Assessment: Daily standardized bleeding assessment forms were completed each day that the patient was in hospital. Self‐assessed bleeding diaries were completed for patients who were discharged.

Wandt et al., 2012

Platelet transfusion with 1 unit SD (200‐400 × 109 platelets/unit) or RD (>200 × 109/unit) platelets was given when platelet count was ≤10 × 109/L

If bleeding continued despite one platelet transfusion, further transfusions was given at the discretion of the treating clinician in both groups

Stable patients were only given platelet transfusion when clinically relevant bleeding occurred. Unstable patients with platelet count was ≤10 × × 109/L were given prophylactic platelet transfusions. Modified WHO Bleeding scale

Clinically important bleeding: “Clinically relevant bleeding” was defined as a modified WHO grade 2 or higher

Any bleeding: Not reported

Assessor: A physician or experienced nurse (unblinded). Two investigators masked to treatment strategy later transformed the bedside bleeding report into modified WHO categories.

Assessment: Clinical bleeding assessments was performed twice daily

NCT03713489 (ongoing) Platelet transfusion with 1 unit of SD (platelets/unit not reported) platelets 3 times for the first week after enrolment, then 2 times a week in the following 3 weeks Standard care Bleeding not planned to be assessed

Clinically important bleeding: NA

Any bleeding: NA

Assessor: NA

Assessment: NA

van de Weerdt et al., (ongoing)

Platelet transfusion with 1 unit of RD (platelets/unit not reported) platelets prior to placement of central catheters

The proceduralist can administer rescue platelets at clinical indication in both arms in case of procedure related bleeding

No platelet transfusion Modified WHO Bleeding scale

Clinically important bleeding: Modified WHO grade 2–4

Any bleeding: Not reported

Assessor: Not reported

Assessment: Clinical bleeding will be assessed at 1 h and 24 h post‐procedural. Clinical photos taken at 1 h and 24 h will be used to evaluate size of hematoma in a blinded fashion.

Abbreviations: NA, not applicable; RD, pooled random donor platelets/buffy coat; SD, single donor apheresis platelets; WHO, World Health Organization.