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. 2022 Dec 26;12(12):e065862. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-065862

Table 3.

Demographics of patients meeting and not meeting R2R criteria on presentation to QEHB in the censor period

All QEHB patient days Meeting eR2Rab Not meeting eR2Rab
N 1 039 592 919 751 (88.5) 119 841 (11.5)
Age in years*: median (IQR) 68 (53–80) 69 (54–81) 63 (48–76)
Sex* (n, %)
 Female 488 120 (47.0) 434 418 (47.2) 53 702 (44.8)
 Male 546 061 (52.5) 484 816 (52.7) 61 245 (51.1)
 Not recorded 5411 (0.5) 517 (0.1) 4894 (4.1)
Self-reported ethnicity* (n, %)
 White 784 528 (75.5) 698 573 (76.0) 85 955 (71.7)
 Mixed/multiple 12 983 (1.2) 11 023 (1.2) 1960 (1.6)
 South Asian/Asian British 114 049 (11.0) 98 903 (10.8) 15 146 (12.6)
 Black/African/Caribbean/black British 51 122 (4.9) 43 991 (4.8) 7131 (6.0)
 Other ethnic group 19 475 (1.9) 16 623 (1.8) 2852 (2.4)
 Not known 57 435 (5.5) 50 638 (5.5) 6797 (5.7)
Co-morbidity count* (n, %)
 None 196 121 (18.9) 164 704 (17.9) 31 417 (26.2)
 1–2 474 922 (45.7) 423 200 (46.0) 51 722 (43.2)
 3 or more 368 549 (35.5) 331 847 (36.1) 36 702 (30.6)
Morbidities (n, %)
 Hypertension* 492 160 (47.3) 439 930 (47.8) 52 230 (43.6)
 Cerebrovascular disease* 159 316 (15.3) 147 676 (16.1) 11 640 (9.7)
 Atrial fibrillation* 224 501 (21.6) 204 458 (22.2) 20 043 (16.7)
 Ischaemic heart disease, angina, myocardial infarct* 198 480 (19.1) 173 708 (18.9) 24 772 (20.7)
 Diabetes (types 1 and 2)* 271 505 (26.1) 242 328 (26.3) 29 177 (24.3)
 Asthma* 103 679 (10.0) 91 136 (9.9) 12 543 (10.5)
 COPD* 112 731 (10.8) 103 882 (11.3) 8849 (7.4)
 Interstitial lung disease* 2533 (0.2) 2380 (0.3) 153 (0.1)
 Chronic kidney disease* 198 052 (19.1) 178 284 (19.4) 19 768 (16.5)
 Any active malignancy* 215 959 (20.8) 194 419 (21.1) 21 540 (18.0)
 Dementia (all types)* 65 272 (6.3) 61 324 (6.7) 3948 (3.3)
English Indices of deprivation
 1 430 114 (41.4) 382 132 (41.5) 47 982 (40.0)
 2 222 478 (21.4) 197 999 (21.5) 24 479 (20.4)
 3 178 565 (17.2) 158 047 (17.2) 20 518 (17.1)
 4 107 747 (10.4) 96 115 (10.5) 11 632 (9.7)
 5 75 854 (7.3) 67 296 (7.3) 8558 (7.1)
 Not recorded 24 834 (2.4) 18 162 (2.0) 6672 (5.6)
Care escalation to ITU (n, %) 101 017 (9.7) 93 080 (10.1) 7937 (6.6)

Data are number (percentage) of patients in a bed at 00:00. Ethnicity was self-reported. Medical conditions were physician confirmed and checked against admission and linked primary care notes. English indices of deprivation were calculated using postcode.

*Significant difference between meeting and not meeting eR2Rab (p<0.05 in univariate analysis).

eR2R, electronic R2R; R2R, reason to reside.