Table 1.
Overview of the included reports disaggregated by type(s) of outcome(s) reported
Author, reference, year | Country | Study type | Intervention | Cases | NOS |
Incidence | Max 2+3 | ||||
Yang, 201948 | China | Cohort | Unclear | 262 | 2+0 |
Incidence and neonatal mortality | Max 2+3/2+3 | ||||
Horn, 201347 | South Africa | Retrospective observational | Unclear | 110 * | 2+1/1+1 |
Moshiro, 201939 | Tanzania | Prospective observational | NT | 146 | 0+1/0+2 |
Niaz, 202150 | Pakistan | Prospective observational | Unclear | 122† | 1+1/0+2 |
Incidence, neonatal mortality and developmental outcome | Max 2+3/2+3+3 | ||||
Lally, 201438 | India | Prospective observational | TH in 31% | 54 | 0+2/0+2+2 |
Neonatal mortality | Max 2+3 | ||||
Aly, 201572 | Egypt | RCT | TH+Melatonin Vs. TH | 30 | 0+3 |
Bharadwaj, 201273 | India | RCT | TH vs NT | 130 | 0+2 |
Biselele, 201337 | Congo DR | Prospective observational | NT | 44 | 0+2 |
Biselele, 202074 | Congo Dr | Pilot/case-series | 2-Iminobiotin | 7 | 0+2 |
Biselele, 201845 | Congo Dr | Prospective observational | NT | 57 | 1+2 |
Biselele, 201457 | Congo Dr | Prospective observational | NT | 19 | 0+1 |
Bozkurt, 202175 | Turkey | Retrospective observational | TH | 166 | 0+1 |
El Shimi, 201451 | Egypt | RCT | EPO vs TH vs NT | 30 | 0+2 |
Enweronu‐Laryea, 201954 | Ghana | Cohort | Passive TH | 13 | 1+1 |
Hassanein, 201755 | Egypt | Case-Control | Unclear | 20 | 0+1 |
Horn, 201052 | South Africa | Case Series | TH | 5 | 0+2 |
Horn, 201276 | South Africa | Case Series | TH | 14 | 0+2 |
Kinoshita, 202177 | Brazil | Retrospective observational | TH (FGP) | 71 | 0+1 |
Martínez-Hernández, 202078 | Mexico | Before-After Study | EPO+TH (WBC vs SHC) | 12 | 0+1 |
Oliveira, 201879 | India | Prospective observational | TH | 82 | 0+2 |
Surmeli Onay, 202180 | Turkey | Before-After Study | TH vs TH+Aminophylline | 34 | 0+0 |
Prashantha, 201981 | India | Before-After Study | TH (PCM vs FGP) | 62 | 0+1 |
Shabeer,‡§ 201782 | India | Before-After Study | TH (PCM vs FGP) | 68 | 0+1 |
Shrestha, 202083 | Nepal | Prospective observational | NT | 20¶ | 0+1 |
Tanigasalam, 201656 | India | RCT | TH (FGP) vs NT | 120 | 0+2 |
Thomas,** 201884 | India | Prospective observational | TH (PCM) | 103 | 0+1 |
Umran, 201640 | Iraq | Case- Control | NT | 29 | 0+1 |
Variane, 201785 | Brazil | Prospective observational | TH | 17 | 0+0 |
Yang and Li, 202086 | China | RCT | TH (48 hours) vs TH (72 hours) vs NT | 92 | 0+2 |
Neonatal mortality and developmental outcome | MAX 2+3+3 | ||||
Aker,‡ 202187 | India | RCT | TH (PCM) vs NT | 49 | 0+3+3 |
Catherine,**†† 202188 | India | RCT | TH (PCM) vs NT | 158 | 0+1+3 |
Catherine,**†† 202089 | India | RCT | TH (PCM) vs NT | 158 | 0+1+3 |
Celik,‡‡ 201553 | Turkey | RCT | TH SHC vs WBC | 7 | 0+2+3 |
Celik,‡‡ 201690 | Turkey | RCT | TH SHC vs WBC | 29 | 0+2+3 |
Das, 201791 | India | RCT | TH (FGP) vs NT | 60 | 0+3+3 |
Gucuyener, 201260 | Turkey | Case Series | TH | 10 | 0+3+2 |
Jia, 201841 | China | Non-random trial | TH early vs TH late vs NT | 152 | 0+2+2 |
Khuwuthyakorn, 202192 | Thailand | Observational | TH | 23 | 0+1+3 |
Malla, 201759 | India | RCT | EPO vs NT | 100 | 1+3+3 |
Maoulainine, 201749 | Morocco | Non-random comparison | TH 50%, NT 50% | 38 | 1+1+1 |
Perez, 201893 | Brazil | Cohort | TH (LFU) | 53 | 0+1+3 |
Procianoy, 202094 | Brazil | Prospective observational | TH | 72 | 0+2+3 |
Sun, 201244 | China | RCT | TH vs NT | 51 | 1+3+3 |
Thayyil, 202146 | 3 Countries | RCT | TH vs NT | 408 | 1+1+2 |
Valera, 201595 | Argentina | Observational | TH | 27 | 0+3+3 |
Zhou,§ 201042 | China | RCT | TH vs NT | 194 | 1+1+2 |
Zhu, 200996 | China | RCT | EPO vs NT | 167 | 1+2+2 |
Zou,§ 201943 | China | RCT | TH vs NT | 99 | 1+2+3 |
Developmental outcome | MAX 2+3 | ||||
Ballot, 202058 | South Africa | Cohort | TH in 58% | 99 | 0+2 |
Charki, 202097 | India | Non-Random Comparison | TH vs NT | 210 | 0+1 |
Koshy,§ 201198 | India | Prospective observational | TH | 20 | 0+2 |
Mbatha, 202199 | South Africa | Retrospective observational | TH in 73% | 155 | 0+2 |
Weng, 2021100 | China | Before-After | TH vs NT | 61 | 0+3 |
NOS = Newcastle-Ottawa Scale of bias evaluation consisting of two questions related to selection of cohort and three questions related to reporting of outcome (see online supplemental table 3).
*Included several definitions of hypoxia-ischaemia and NE. N=110 = widest definition available.
†Recruited 45 children with gestational age 34+0…36+6 that were excluded from the neonatal mortality analysis.
§Koshy 2011 presents follow-up data for some of the children that were potentially included by Shabeer et al82.
¶Recruited 84 children with Apgar <7 at 5 min. Out of those, 20 fulfilled the inclusion criteria of pH<7.05 and only those were included.
††Same patients in both reports by Catherine, but different outcomes are reported.
‡‡Mostly same patients in both reports by Celik. Only cases with grade I were included from Çelik et al53 as the outcomes of grade II–III cases were reported in Celik et al90 that includes five additional children.
EPO, erythropoietin; FGP, frozen gel packs; LFU, laminar flow unit; NT, standard care with normothermia; PCM, phase-changing material; RCT, randomized-controlled trial; SHC, selective head cooling; TH, therapeutic hypothermia; WBC, whole body cooling.