Figure 3.
Characterization of CRISPR/Cas9-mediated Oszas2 mutant lines at the seedling stages. A, Schematic representation of three individual mutations of OsZAS2 gene generated by CRISPR–Cas9. B, The seedling phenotype of WT (DJ) and three independent Oszas2 mutants. The scale bar in the pictures represents 7.5 cm. C, Quantification of zaxinone content in WT and Oszas2 mutants roots. D–H, Root biomass (D), shoot biomass (E), root length (F), shoot length (G), and tiller number (H) of the WT and Oszas2 mutants are shown in (B). Boxes in boxplots represent the median, first and third quartile. The minimum and maximum values are shown with the length of the whiskers. Dots represent the biological replicates. Values in (C–H) are means ± sd (n ≥ 4). Student’s t test used for the statistical analysis (***P ≤ 0.001).