Figure 5.
Transpiration and stomata opening during LRFR-induced hyponasty. A, Transpiration of the aerial parts of 21-d-old Col-0 plants grown in hydroponics system in equinoctial (12:12) conditions, measured by infrared gas analysis (illumination at 150 μmol m−2 s−1, 20°C, 60% relative humidity, 380 ppm CO2). Mean values from three and four biological replicates (±SD) are given for high R/FR and low R/FR treatments, respectively. Vertical gray bars represent night periods. Supplementation with FR light 3 h into the second day is indicated. B, Stomatal pore width in high and low R/FR at ZT8 (low R/FR from ZT3), from dental paste imprints of 2-week-old plants grown in LD. P-value is given by a t test without assumption of equal variance. The smaller dots represent individual measurements. The big dot in the middle is the mean. Error bars represent SD. C, Leaf elevation angle of Leaves 1 and 2 in Col-0 (black), epf1epf2 double mutant (orange), EPF2-OX mutant (blue) plants in high R/FR then low R/FR conditions. Shade treatment started on Day 16 at t=27 (ZT3) by adding FR light to decrease the R/FR ratio. Leaf elevation angles are mean values (n=29–60). Plants were grown for 14 d in standard LD (16/8) conditions. Imaging started on Day 15 at ZT0 (t=0), plants were maintained in LD. Opaque bands around mean lines represent the 95% confidence interval of mean estimates. Vertical gray bars represent night periods.