Figure 2.
Experimental demonstration of contrasting grain yield reaction-norms for two maize hybrids for a sequence of three environments contrasting in water availability. Images are from the evaluation of two commercial maize hybrids, P1498 (tolerant) and 33D49 (sensitive), with similar yield potential in environments with sufficient water and with contrasting yield responses to water limitations imposed to coincide with the flowering period and post-flowering during the grain-filling period. The experiment was conducted under conditions with no rainfall during the growing season and water was supplied by drip-tape irrigation. A, Above-ground biomass production at the time of harvest for hybrid P1498 in side-by-side plots imposing three levels of irrigation treatment. B, Ears of hybrid P1498 for five adjacent plants within a plot row for each of the three irrigation treatments. C, Ears of hybrid 33D49 for five adjacent plants within a plot row for each of the three irrigation treatments. Yield levels for each hybrid treatment combination were obtained from combined harvest of the whole experimental plot used for the ear images.