Figure 5.
Schematic representations of GxE interactions. A, The emergence of GxE interactions for grain yield and two contrasting genotype reaction-norms (G1, G2) for grain yield along a continuum of environments (E1–E5) varying for crop water availability, as determined by crop evapotranspiration (Messina et al., 2022a, 2022b). B, The grain yield variation reaction-norms along the water availability continuum are an outcome of changes in the contributions of different physiological processes and traits (T1–T9) and trait networks (indicated by the different trait contributions and the TxT interactions) during the crop lifecycle that determine the grain yield outcomes as the environmental conditions change. Yield is modeled as a function of GxExM conditions along the water availability continuum. The continuum of water availability can be quantified by applying appropriate environmental descriptors as demonstrated in Figure 3 and described in Figure 4. The 80% quantile yield-evapotranspiration front (Q80) from Figure 3 is superimposed to indicate how different trait combinations are expected to contribute to the grain yield performance of the maize hybrids along the environmental continuum of water availability. The combination of different trait contributions and genetic variation for the traits within the reference population of genotypes under improvement by the breeding program contributes to the emergence of the genetic variation for grain yield, GxE interactions between environment types that were identified by envirotyping (indicated for comparisons between environment type E1 and environment types E2–E5 along the water availability continuum), and the contrasting grain yield reaction-norms indicated for the two hybrids. For reference, Figure 2 provides an empirical demonstration of examples of contrasting maize hybrid grain yield reaction-norms for a stratified sample of contrasting environment types.