Preparation of drape, sterilization, and glass capillary needles
(A) Glass capillary needle microgrinder (Cat#EG-45, Narishige). Black arrow in (A) indicates the glass capillary needle that is being prepared.
(B) Example of glass capillary needles before (lower image) and after (upper image) grinding. The black square corresponds to (C).
(C) Higher magnification image of the glass capillary needle tip. Store the needle with the tip pointing up.
(D) The process of cutting and making a diamond-shaped aperture that only exposes the surgical area prior to sterilization.
(E and F) Comparison between autoclave sterilization (E) and ethylene oxide (EtO) sterilization (F) indicators. After sterilization, it will be sterile and ready to use. Figure created with