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. 2021 Feb 23;11(7):1120–1131. doi: 10.34172/ijhpm.2021.09

Table 1. Cost Items, Sources and Calculations .

Cost Items Data Sources and Calculations
Mt Meru RH Meru DH Oltrumet DH
Capital Costs
Building sizes Hospital asset register Roof sizes measured with Map Developers online tool (Area Calculator) Roof sizes measured with Map Developers online tool (Area Calculator)
Building historical costs Hospital asset register By multiplying total building roof area by per m2 cost of Oltrumet building costs Costs of some buildings obtained from hospital managers;
Costs of others obtained by multiplying the roof area by per m2 cost of the buildings with known costs
List of other assets (equipment, furniture, vehicles) Hospital asset register Hospital inventory taken by authors with specially designed inventory forms Hospital inventory obtained from hospital managers
Costs of others assets (equipment, furniture, vehicles) Hospital asset register Mt Meru RH asset register; MSD official price list; procurement records; expert estimates; online price quotations by local vendors Mt Meru RH asset register; MSD official list; procurement records; expert estimates; online price quotations by local vendors
Conversion between purchasing and replacement costs Use of World Bank GDP deflator factors Use of World Bank GDP deflator factors Use of World Bank GDP deflator factors
Capital (depreciation) costs Automated on CostIt tool21 Automated on CostIt tool21 Automated on CostIt tool21
Recurrent Costs
Actual staff distribution/composition Heads of departments and duty rosters Heads of departments and duty rosters Heads of departments and duty rosters
Average salary rates per cadre and per level Calculated from de-identified payroll records Calculated from de-identified payroll records Calculated from de-identified payroll records
Salary load per department Multiplication of the average salary rates and the staff composition data Multiplication of the average salary rates and the staff composition data Multiplication of the average salary rates and the staff composition data
Volumes of non-medical supplies to different departments Procurement department records Procurement department records/departmental order books Matron’s supplies record
Volumes of drugs/medical supplies Pharmacy department Pharmacy department/departmental order books Pharmacy records
Unit prices of supplies MSD official price list; procurement records; expert estimates MSD official price list; procurement records; expert estimates MSD official price list; procurement records; expert estimates
Costs of non-medical supplies per department Unit prices multiplied by the volume of supplies Unit prices multiplied by the volume of supplies Unit prices multiplied by the volume of supplies
Costs of drugs/medical supplies per department Unit prices multiplied by the volume of supplies Unit prices multiplied by the volume of supplies Unit prices multiplied by the volume of supplies
Other recurrent costs (running costs, administrative costs, utilities etc) Annual hospital financial report Annual hospital financial report Annual hospital financial report

Abbreviations: DH, district hospital; RH, referral hospital; MSD, Medical Stores Department; GDP, gross domestic product.