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. 2020 Dec 22;11(7):1035–1046. doi: 10.34172/ijhpm.2020.253

Table 4. Identifying the Discrimination Subtypes of the CIAF Among Children Aged 6–59 Months, Using a Two-Group CFA .

A: Comparison Between GDHS and GMICS
Configuration Frequencies Significance Tests Discrimination Type
Stunting Wasting Underweight Observed Expected Observed Expected P Value
Yes Yes Yes 40 50.4 164 153.6 .015
Yes Yes No 0 0.0 0 0.0 1.000
Yes No Yes 188 217.5 693 663.5 .002 True
Yes No No 415 359.7 1042 1097.3 .000 True
No Yes Yes 74 62.5 179 190.5 .014
No Yes No 74 44.4 106 135.6 .000 True
No No Yes 18 33.1 116 100.9 .001 True
No No No 1332 1373.5 4232 4190.5 .002 True
B: Comparison Between GSPS and GDHS
Configuration Frequencies Significance Tests Discrimination Type
Stunting Wasting Underweight Observed Expected Observed Expected P Value
Yes Yes Yes 103 61.3 40 81.7 .000 True
Yes Yes No 0 0.0 0 0.0 1.000
Yes No Yes 135 138.5 188 184.5 .043
Yes No No 332 320.4 415 426.6 .021
No Yes Yes 148 95.2 74 126.8 .000 True
No Yes No 61 57.9 74 77.1 .060
No No Yes 14 13.7 18 18.3 .141
No No No 815 920.9 1332 1226.1 .000 True
C: Comparison between GSPS and GMICS
Configuration Frequencies Significance Tests Discrimination Type
Stunting Wasting Underweight Observed Expected Observed Expected P Value a
Yes Yes Yes 103 52.7 164 214.3 .000 True
Yes Yes No 0 0.0 0 0.0 1.000
Yes No Yes 135 163.6 693 664.4 .001 True
Yes No No 332 271.4 1042 1102.6 .000 True
No Yes Yes 148 64.6 179 262.4 .000 True
No Yes No 61 33.0 106 134.0 .000 True
No No Yes 14 25.7 116 104.3 .002 True
No No No 815 997.0 4232 4050.0 .000 True

Abbreviations: GMICS, Ghana Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey; GDHS, Ghana Demographic Health Survey; GSPS, Ghana Socioeconomic Panel Survey; CIAF, composite index of anthropometric failure; CFA, configural frequency analysis.

a P values were based on Fisher exact test.