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. 2022 Dec 15;27(50):2200882. doi: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2022.27.50.2200882

Table 1. Description of the study population and comparison between individuals developing or not mpox despite post-exposure preventive vaccination, according to univariate analysis, Lyon, France, June–August 2022 (n = 108).

Characteristics Descriptive analysisa Simple logistic regression analysisb
Total population
(n = 108)
Developed breakthrough mpox
(n = 11)
Did not develop breakthrough mpox
(n = 97)
p-value OR (95% CI) p-value
Numberc %c Numberc %c Numberc %c
Demographic characteristics
Male sexd 97 90 11 100 86 89 0.5990 NC NC
Age in yearse Median (IQR) 0.2796 0.95 (0.88–1.01) 0.1747
35 (29–44) 34 (28–36) 35 (29–45)
Information related to immunosuppression or to prior smallpox immunisationf
History of smallpox vaccination 25 23 1 NP 24 25 0.4512 0.30 (0.02–1.71) 0.2682
Immunosuppression 17 16 4g NP 13h 13 0.0696 3.69 (0.87–14.12) 0.0598
          HIV infection 15 14 3 NP 12 12 0.1792 2.66 (0.53–10.72) 0.1891
Type of exposurei
Sexual 53 49 10 NP 43 44 0.0037 12.56 (2.27–234.90) 0.0179
Cutaneous 35 32 1 NP 34 35 0.0994 0.19 (0.01–1.03) 0.1152
Other close contact 20 19 0 NP 20 21 0.2113 NC NC
Number of days from exposure to vaccinationj Median (IQR) 0.1276 0.86 (0.71–1.04) 0.1200
9 (5.0–11.0) 7 (3.0–10.0) 9 (5.5–11.0)

CI: confidence interval; NP: not presented due to the small sample size; NC: not calculable; OR: odds ratio.

a Groups were compared using Fisher’s exact test or Mann–Whitney test, as appropriate.

b OR (and their 95% CI) were estimated separately using simple logistic regression analysis.

c Unless specified otherwise in certain cells of the table.

d Information on sex was collected as a binary variable. ORs for male participants were not calculable.

e Age was handled as a continuous variable and OR represents the change in odds by each one-year increase.

f References for the ORs in this section were the absence of the characteristic in question (i.e. no smallpox immunisation, no immunosuppression, and no HIV).

g Including three people living with HIV and one person receiving a TNFα inhibitor.

h Including 12 people living with HIV (1/12 with concomitant haematological malignancy) and one solid organ transplant recipient.

I The reference for the OR of each type of exposure in this section included all the other types of exposures combined.

j Time from exposure to vaccination was handled as a continuous variable and OR represents the change in odds by each one-day increase.

p values < 0.2 are in bold type.