Table 2. Summary of Findings .
Authors | Study | Social Stratifiers Included | Systems and Structures Involved |
Dhatt et al4 | The role of women’s leadership and gender equity in leadership and health system strengthening | Gender, Cadre, Race | Sexism, patriarchy, governance, professional elitism, racism |
Hay et al5 | Disrupting gender norms in health systems: making the case for change | Gender | Sexism, patriarchy |
George14 | Human resources for health: a gender analysis background paper | Gender | Sexism, patriarchy |
Weber et al16 | Gender norms and health: insights from global survey data | Gender | Sexism, patriarchy |
Larson et al17 | 10 Best resources on… intersectionality with an emphasis on low- and middle-income countries | Gender, race, financial status | Sexism, patriarchy, racism |
Thackwell et al19 | Race trouble: experiences of Black medical specialist trainees in South Africa | Gender, race | Sexism, patriarchy, racism, colonialism |
van Rensburg20 | South Africa’s protracted struggle for equal distribution and equitable access – still not there | Gender, cadre, race | Sexism, patriarchy, racism, colonization, professional elitism |
Filby et al21 | What prevents quality midwifery care? A Systematic mapping of barriers in low and middle income countries from the provider perspective | Gender, cadre, race | Sexism, patriarchy, professional elitism, racism |
Newman22 | Time to address gender discrimination and inequality in the health workforce | Gender, age | Sexism, patriarchy, ageism |
Muraya et al25 | ‘Gender is not even a side issue…it’s a non-issue’: career trajectories and experiences from the perspective of male and female healthcare managers in Kenya | Gender, cadre, race/ethnicity, financial status | Sexism, patriarchy, governance, professional elitism, racism/xenophobia |
Shung-King et al26 | Leadership experiences and practices of South African health managers: what is the influence of gender? - a qualitative, exploratory study | Gender, cadre, race | Sexism, patriarchy, governance, professional elitism, racism, historical forces and colonization |
Tominc et al27 | Perceived gender equality in managerial positions in organizations | Gender | Sexism, patriarchy |
Acosta et al28 | Achieving gender equity is our responsibility: leadership matters | Gender | Sexism, patriarchy |
Vong et al29 | Why are fewer women rising to the top? A life history gender analysis of Cambodia’s health workforce | Gender | Sexism, patriarchy, governance |
Kodagoda30 | Working long hours and its impact on family life: experiences of women professionals and managers in Sri Lanka | Gender | Sexism, patriarchy |
Zeinali et al31 | Intersectionality and global health leadership: parity is not enough | Gender, cadre | Sexism, patriarchy, political institutions, governance, professional elitism |
Alwazzan and Rees32 | Women in medical education: views and experiences from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia | Gender, culture, generation/age, religion | Sexism, patriarchy, ageism, religion |
Ioannidou et al33 | Empowering women researchers in the new century: IADR’s strategic direction | Gender | Sexism, patriarchy |
Tlaiss34 | Women in healthcare: barriers and enablers from a developing country perspective | Gender, culture, religion | Sexism, patriarchy, religion |
Williams35 | The Glass Escalator, Revisited | Gender, cadre, race | Sexism, patriarchy, racism, professional elitism |
George36 | Nurses, community health workers, and home carers: gendered human resources compensating for skewed health systems | Gender, cadre, race | Sexism, patriarchy, professional elitism, racism |
Chua et al37 | Social capital in Singapore: gender differences, ethnic hierarchies, and their intersection | Gender, ethnicity | Sexism, ethnic discrimination, Historical factors |
Percival et al38 | Are health systems interventions gender blind? Examining health system reconstruction in conflict affected states | Gender | Sexism |
Morgan et al39 | The foundation and consequences of gender bias in grant peer review processes | Gender | Sexism, patriarchy |
Gupta et al40 | Gender equality and gender norms: framing the opportunities for health | Gender | Sexism, patriarchy |
Abbreviation: IADR, International Association for Dental Research.