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. 2022 Nov 7;7(6):100623. doi: 10.1016/j.esmoop.2022.100623

Table 1.

Primary and secondary outcome parameters

Study outcome Data source Assessment tool Items and scales
Primary outcome
 Communication skills addressing PC/EoL-related issues External rating by study scientists Study-specific rating manual (adapted version of COM-ON-checklist39,40 and COM-ON-coaching rating scales41) 13 Items (Likert scale 0-4) on 5 scales:
  • Emotions and empathy

  • Opportunities and hope

  • Further cancer-specific treatment

  • Addressing end of life

  • Explaining concept of PC

Secondary outcomes
 Self-efficacy regarding conversations about PC Physicians’ self-report Scale ‘communication’ of the Self-Efficacy in Palliative Care Scale (SEPC; valid and reliable questionnaire59) 8 Items [visual analogue scale from (0) very anxious to (10) very confident]
 Attitudes towards caring for terminal ill patients Physicians’ self-report Thanatophobia-Scale,60 valid and reliable59,60 7 Items (Likert scale 1-7)
 Communication strategies in discussing PC/EoL-related issues Physicians’ self-report Communication about End of Life Survey20; good internal reliability 19 Items (Likert scale 1-5) on 2 scales:
  • Approach communication

  • Avoidance communication

 Confidence in dealing with specific PC/EoL-related issues Physicians’ self-report Study-specific items 5 Items (Likert scale 0-4)
 Attitudes towards early communication of PC/EoL-related issues Physicians’ self-report Study-specific items 2 Items (Likert scale 0-4)
 Communication quality from the physicians’ perspective Physicians’ self-report Study-specific items 8 Items (Likert scale 0-4) on 4 scales:
  • motions and empathy

  • Opportunities and hope

  • Addressing end of life

  • Self-confidence addressing PC/EoL-related issues

 Communication quality from the SPs’ perspective External rating by SPs Study-specific items inspired by the German version of the questionnaire on the Quality of Physician-Patient-Interaction (QQPPI)61,62 15 Items (Likert scale 0-4) on 4 scales:
  • Emotions and empathy

  • Opportunities and hope

  • Addressing end of life

  • Further cancer-specific treatment

 Satisfaction with PALLI-COM training Physicians’ self-report Study-specific items 5 Items (Likert scale 1-5)

COM-ON, communication in oncology; EoL, end-of-life; PC, palliative care; SP, simulated patient.