(A) Nanopore translocation current traces of the monomer (top) and the 2 × 2 (bottom) samples. The current and time scales for the two traces are identical. The orange shading indicates the current range <150 pA, and the blue shading indicates the current range >150 pA. The insets show a representative translocation event for each sample. The scale bars are the same for both insets. (B) Histograms of the current peak maxima for the monomer sample (top) and the 2 × 2 sample (bottom). The solid lines represent Gaussian fits to the data. (C) Density scatter plots of peak current maxima as a function of dwell time for the monomer sample (top left), dimer sample (top right), trimer sample (bottom left), and 2 × 2 sample (bottom right). The number of events analyzed, N, for each sample is given in each panel. To see this figure in color, go online.