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. 2023 Jan 3;2023(1):CD011881. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD011881.pub2

Harris 2012.

Study characteristics
Methods Study design: RCT
Follow‐up: day 3–4
Participants Country: USA, southeast
Setting: 4 long‐term care facilities
Inclusion criteria:
  • English speaking

  • aged ≥ 65 years

  • chart diagnosis of dementia from the medical record

  • ability to follow simple commands

  • resident of the facility for > 90 days

  • sleep disturbance, defined as < 7 hours (420 minutes) of night‐time sleep determined by a mean of 48 hours of actigraphy data

Exclusion criteria:
  • unstable medical condition

  • integumentary condition such as herpes zoster, sutures, decubitus ulcer or rash that would interfere with the slow‐stroke back massage

  • vertebral fracture or recent fall

Number of participants completing the study: 40 (IG 20, CG 20)
Baseline characteristics:
  • age (years, mean): IG 84.6 (SD 6.11), CG 87.5 (SD 6.78)

  • gender (female): IG 14 (70%), CG 17 (85%)

  • MMSE total score (mean): IG 8.15 (SD 6.83), CG 12.9 (SD 7.1)

Group differences:
  • significantly lower MMSE scores in IG

  • more people with Alzheimer's disease in IG

Interventions Intervention: a certified geriatric advanced practice nurse was trained in slow‐stroke back massage and performed 3 minutes of massage for 2 nights at bedtime in residents' rooms.
Control: usual bedtime care
  • Night‐time total sleep, hours/minutes (actigraphy)

  • Wake after sleep onset (actigraphy)

  • Daytime total sleep, hours/minutes (actigraphy)

Funding Sponsorship source:
  • John A. Hartford Scholarship

  • NGNA (National Gerontological Nursing Association) Mary Wolanin Graduate Scholarship

  • Sigma Theta Tau Gamma Xi Research Award

Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Sequence generation Low risk Participants sleeping < 7 hours (420 minutes) based on actigraphy data were randomly assigned to IG or CG. The Number Crunching Statistical Software was used to generate a table of random numbers and a randomisation schedule for the allocation sequence as participants were enrolled in the study (Hintze 2005).
Allocation concealment Unclear risk A randomisation schedule for the allocation sequence as participants were enrolled in the study.
After consensus with Ralph Möhler.
Blinding of participants and personnel
All outcomes Unclear risk Unknown.
Blinding of participants and personnel
Subjective sleep quality (carer ratings) Unclear risk Unknown.
Blinding of participants and personnel
Objective sleep measures Unclear risk Unknown.
Blinding of outcome assessors
Objective outcome measures Low risk Actigraphy.
Blinding of outcome assessors
Subjective sleep quality (carer ratings) Unclear risk No information available.
Incomplete outcome data
All outcomes Low risk No attrition.
Selective outcome reporting Unclear risk No protocol identified.
Other sources of bias Low risk Short duration: 3‐minute slow‐stroke back massage at bedtime for 2 nights.