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. 2023 Jan 3;2023(1):CD011881. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD011881.pub2

Hozumi 1996.

Study characteristics
Methods Study design: RCT
Follow‐up: day 14
Participants Country: Japan
Setting: 1 hospital
Inclusion criteria:
  • dementia

  • irregular sleep–wake patterns in conjunction with nocturnal behaviour disorders or delirium, or both

Exclusion criteria:
  • sleep apnoea

  • people reacting with obvious anxiety and distress at any time during the study

Number of participants completing the study: 27 (IG 14, CG 13)
Baseline characteristics:
  • gender (female): IG 8, CG 7

  • aged 58–69 years: IG 3, CG 3; aged 70–79 years: IG 2, CG 8; aged ≥ 80 years: IG 9, CG 2

  • severity 'marked': IG 0, CG 1; 'fair': IG 8, CG 4; 'moderate': IG 7, CG 7; 'mild': IG 1, CG 1

Group differences: no differences reported or identified
Interventions Intervention: 20 minutes of daily transcranial electrostimulation using a HESS‐100 device (electrodes attached through a headband) for 2 weeks at 10:00 a.m. (rectangular monophasic pulses of 0.2 ms duration and 6–8 V at increasing frequencies from 6 to 80 Hz, with a root mean square value of 256–530 µA).
Control: placebo therapy without electric current
  • Sleep disorder (observation and sleep diary)

Funding Sponsorship source:
  • Sasakawa Health Science Foundation

  • Japan Foundation for Aging and Health

  • Grant‐in‐Aid for the Research and Development Project of New Medical Technology in Artificial Organs, Ministry of Health and Welfare Japan

Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Sequence generation Unclear risk The participants were randomly assigned to the 2 subgroups, the active therapy group (14 participants) and the placebo therapy group (13 participants).
Allocation concealment Unclear risk No information given.
Blinding of participants and personnel
All outcomes Unclear risk Unknown.
Blinding of participants and personnel
Subjective sleep quality (carer ratings) Unclear risk Unknown.
Blinding of participants and personnel
Objective sleep measures Unclear risk Unknown.
Blinding of outcome assessors
Objective outcome measures Unclear risk All evaluations were made by the same doctor and nurse throughout the experimental period. No information other than "double‐blind" and unclear if clinicians performing assessment were blinded.
Blinding of outcome assessors
Subjective sleep quality (carer ratings) Unclear risk No information available.
Incomplete outcome data
All outcomes High risk People who reacted with obvious anxiety and distress at any time during the study were excluded.
No information about the number of randomised participants or participants excluded during the study.
Selective outcome reporting Unclear risk No protocol identified.
Other sources of bias Low risk None.