Figure 4. Quantitative proton exchange parameter maps of ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) phantoms and a healthy human volunteer obtained using dictionary-free CEST-MRF..61.
a. CEST phantom validation experiments. MTRasym (2.5 ppm) maps with RF saturation powers of 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, and 3 μT. A phantom with four compartments: (1) pH 4.5, 0.5M NH4Cl + 1% agarose + PBS, (2) pH 5.0, 0.5 M NH4Cl + 1% agarose + PBS, (3) pH 4.6, 1 M NH4Cl +1% agarose + PBS, and (4) pH 7.0, 1% agarose + PBS. RF saturation power dependencies of the direct water saturation, semisolid MTC, and CEST signals can be seen clearly in the MTRasym (2.5 ppm) maps. b. CEST exchange rate (ksw) and concentration (M0s) maps of the phantom from the dictionary-free CEST-MRF. c. Quantitative semisolid MT exchange rate (kmw) and concentration (M0m), and amide proton exchange rate (ksw) and concentration (M0s) maps of a healthy volunteer human brain. Reproduced and modified with permission from Heo et al. Neuroimage. 2019;189:202-213.61