Figure 8. Overlap between CA peaks and MS susceptibility SNPs in OLG and activation of associated genes in mouse OPCs by IFN-γ.
(A) Dot plot depicting overlap of CA peaks in specific cell types from human healthy individuals hg19 single-cell multi-ome and scATAC-seq cell types from Ctr and EAE mice, with individual MS susceptibility MHC, non-MHC, and suggestive SNPs (International Multiple Sclerosis Genetics Consortium, 2019) and outside variants (Factor et al., 2020).
(B and C) SNP coordinates for six MS SNPs in the hg38 human genome reference are shown with corresponding CA regions derived from merged scATAC-seq populations from the adult brain single-cell multi-ome. (B) Corresponding locations are shown in the mouse mm10 genome reference with IGV tracks of CA in 50 randomly selected individual cells from scATAC-seq from EAE and CFA-Ctr mice. Red boxes show scATAC-seq peaks from mouse overlapping with SNP location. (C) Corresponding locations are shown in the mouse mm10 genome reference with IGV tracks for bulk ATAC-seq, RNA-seq, ABC model, and Cut&Run with antibodies against H3K27me3, H3K27ac, CTCF, H3K4me3 in IFN-γ-treated and Ctr-OPCs. Red boxes show CA peaks from mouse overlapping with SNP location and their ABC connections. Cell acronyms as in Figure 7.