Extended Data Fig. 9. Distinct transcription signatures in TAMs of Pdcd1f/fLysMCre tumor-bearing mice compared to Pdcd1f/f tumor-bearing mice TAMs.
a, Pdcd1f/fLysMCre and Pdcd1f/f mice were injected with MC17-15 cancer cells and 15 days later, TAMs were isolated from tumors and RNA-seq was performed followed by pathway enrichment analysis of DEG. Heat maps of DEG for enriched pathways are shown. b, Shp2f/fLysMCre and Pdcd1f/fLysMCre mice were injected with MC17-51 fibrosarcoma and at day 15 after injection, TAMs were collected from tumors and RNA-seq was performed followed by GO analysis of DEG. GO Biological Processes of common signaling pathways enriched among top 500 DEG in TAMs from Shp2f/fLysMCre and Pdcd1f/fLysMCre tumor-bearing mice are shown. Differential gene expression analysis was performed using DESeq2 and ClusterProfiler (v3.12.0) was utilized for downstream functional investigations.