Figure 2. Geometric mean ratios (95% CI) of community water system (CWS) arsenic concentrations per higher percent of adults with a high school diploma, based on spatial lag quadratic spline models with knots at the 10th and 90th percentiles of the socioeconomic vulnerability score distribution.
Lines represent the geometric mean and green shaded areas surrounding the lines represent 95% confidence intervals. Shaded gray bars represent the county-level distribution of socioeconomic status vulnerability scores and are shown as “% of Counties” in the right y-axis. Models adjust for the percentage of public water drawn from groundwater sources, population density, median household income, and county racial/ethnic composition (the proportion of residents who are non-Hispanic Black, American Indian/Native Alaskan, non-Hispanic Asian, non-Hispanic White, and Hispanic/Latino). The reference was set to the 5th percentile of the distribution of the percent of adults with a high school diploma. Models considering spline knots at other percentiles (50th, 75th) yielded similar findings. Spatial neighbors were identified via a simple queen contiguity matrix for neighbors (i=1) versus non-neighbors (i=0).