FASRL knockdown inhibited HCC progression in vitro. CCK‐8 assay revealed the growth of the A) HepG2 and B) LM3 cell lines transfected with siFASRL#1, siFASRL#5, and siNC. Representative images of EdU assay revealed the proliferation of the C) HepG2 and D) LM3 cell lines transfected with siFASRL#1, siFASRL#5, and siNC. Quantification of EdU assay in the E) HepG2 and F) LM3 cell lines transfected with siFASRL#1, siFASRL#5, and siNC, n = 8 fields of view. Transwell experiment showing the cell migration ability of the G) HepG2 and H) LM3 cell lines transfected with siFASRL#1, siFASRL#5, and siNC. I) Left, apoptosis in the HepG2 cell line transfected with siFASRL#1, siFASRL#5, and siNC was detected by flow cytometry; right, the statistical results of the corresponding apoptotic cells. The data are expressed as the mean ± SD. **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001.