Predictors |
Coefficients of LASSO Regression Models |
Main Effect |
Interaction-Term Clusters |
Hierarchical Clustering |
−2.21 |
−1.77 |
−2.03 |
0.43 |
0.37 |
1.06 |
0.61 |
Joint pain
0.35 |
Chest pain
0.69 |
Runny nose
−0.55 |
Loss of smell
0.17 |
Loss of taste
0.38 |
0.77 |
Loss of appetite
0.27 |
Difficulty breathing
0.20 |
Muscle aches
0.22 |
History of respiratory symptoms
0.24 |
Age 30+
−0.26 |
−0.55 |
0.11 |
0.38 |
0.33 |
Cough, fever, runny nose & headaches
1.57 |
Chest pain, difficulty breathing, wheezing, chills & shortness of breath
2.22 |
Fever & age 30+
−0.44 |
Muscle aches & headaches
0.69 |
Numbness & non-Hispanic/ Latino
−0.57 |
Runny nose & non-Hispanic/ Latino
−0.91 |
Cough, fever & runny nose
0.54 |
Cough, loss of taste & fever
0.32 |
Headaches, cough & runny nose
0.59 |
Headaches, cough & White
0.64 |
Headaches, chills & White
0.63 |
Sore throat, fever & runny nose
0.47 |
Fatigue, chest pain & White
1.56 |
Cough, loss of taste & runny nose
0.06 |
Sore throat, chills & female
−0.21 |
Loss of appetite, cough & White
0.47 |
Loss of smell, cough & loss of taste
0.91 |
Cough, age 18 to 29 & female
0.36 |
Fatigue, cough & non-Hispanic/Latino
−0.26 |
Pinkeye, headaches & non-Hispanic/Latino
0.71 |
History of respiratory symptoms, cough & runny nose
0.20 |
History of respiratory symptoms, cough & White
0.60 |
History of respiratory symptoms, muscle aches & cough
−0.63 |
Headaches, loss of taste & non-Hispanic/Latino
0.39 |
History of respiratory symptoms, muscle aches & age 30+
−0.86 |