Summary of longitudinal evaluation of 5 tanks of zebrafish with Pseudoloma neurophilia infections. Each cell represents results, positive (+) or negative (−) following ddPCR testing of 2 (1 L) water samples taken from a tank with flowing water (flow), with water turned off for 8 hr (static) or water from a group spawn (spawn). DNA extracts from each filter sample were evaluated in triplicate. Number of positive replicates/tanks of the 6 replicates are in parentheses in each cell (No.). A positive score for a tank sample occurred when at least 1 of the 2 L samples showed detection of 2 or more replicates. Eggs from successful spawns were collected, counted, and equally divided into 10% pools and tested. Unless the spawns produced a small number of eggs, such as tank 1 in November and tank 2 in January, which has a total of 6 and 5 eggs (respectively), they were grouped into 1 pool. All egg samples were negative. Neural tissues from fish were evaluated by qPCR after the last water and spawn samples were collected.