Prediction of subjective intensities of evoked and spontaneous pain using S1 features. (A) When gray matter volume in IS1 was used as predictors, gray matter volume of IS1 in HC could not predict laser‐evoked pain ratings across HC (a), and gray matter volume of IS1 in PHN patients could not predict laser‐evoked pain ratings and SF‐MPQ ratings across patients (b,c); when gray matter volume in SS1 was used as predictors, gray matter volume of SS1 in HC could not predict laser‐evoked pain ratings across HC (d), and gray matter volume of SS1 in PHN patients could not predict laser‐evoked pain ratings and SF‐MPQ ratings across patients (e,f). (B) When BOLD activity in IS1 was used as predictors, IS1 activity in HC could not predict laser‐evoked pain ratings across HC (a); however, IS1 activity in PHN patients could predict laser‐evoked pain ratings (b) but not SF‐MPQ ratings (c); when BOLD activity in SS1 was used as predictors, SS1 activity in HC was able to predict laser‐evoked pain ratings across HC (a); and SS1 activity in PHN patients was unable to predict laser‐evoked pain ratings (b), but able to predict SF‐MPQ ratings across patients (c). (C) PHN patients' FC of bilateral IS1 was unable to predict SF‐MPQ ratings across patients (a); PHN patients' FC of bilateral SS1 was able to predict SF‐MPQ ratings across patients (b).