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. 2023 Jan 4;18(1):e0279180. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0279180

Table 1. Mean values (and standard deviations) for the main participants’ characteristics between the two groups (no- vs. discrimination).

Variable Discrimination = yes (n = 135) Discrimination = no (n = 145) p-value
Sex (M/F Ratio) 29/77 34/107 0,75
Age 39.53 (12.2) 41.22 (12.9) 0,27
Occupation 0,76
. Student 7% 8%
. Looking for a job 8% 11%
. Executive and superior 31% 33%
. Intermediary 35% 29%
. Merchant, business 9% 6%
. Retiree 4% 5%
. Worker 6% 8%
. Farmer 1% --
Education 0,84
. PhD or other Master+ 9% 12%
. High school graduates 14% 12%
. 1st to 2nd university yr 39% 40%
. 5th yr university level (M2, MDE, DHS or DHAS) 30% 25%
. Youth training / BTEC 8% 10%
.GCSE or under 1% 1%
Marital status 0,69
. Single 29% 29%
. Widowed 2% 1%
. Cohabitation 15% 9%
. Married 33% 40%
. Other 22% 20%
Number of children 1.11 (1.2) 1.23 (1.3) 0,43
Smoking (cigarettes per day) 2.82 (6.0) 2.89 (5.7) 0,93
Alcohol consumption (drinks a week) 5.93 (6.3) 6.82 (6.1) 0,27
Cannabis consumption (joints a week) 0.41 (2.4) 0.49 (2.2) 0,80
Contact with covid-19 (0 = no; 1 = yes) 0.12
. No 15,60% 21.9%
. Yes 25.9% 16.8%
. I don’t know 58.5% 61.3%
Antidepressant use (0 = no; 1 = yes) < 0.05
. No 85.9% 93.1%
. Yes 14.1% 6.9%