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. 2022 Aug 23;28(1):127–140. doi: 10.1038/s41380-022-01719-z

Table 3.

Study variability when examining human oxytocin reactivity in the Trier Social Stress Task.

Ref. N % F Type Extract/Assay B T1 T2 T3 T4 SigΔ Sample
Studies using the TSST with healthy, non-pregnant or breastfeeding participants
[43] 63 100 S Yes/EIA −1 +1 +12 +27 Yes Healthy adults
[42] 57 53 S No/RIA −1 +1 +10 +25 +55 Yes Healthy adolescents
[23] 30 50 S No/RIA −2 +1 +20 +50 Yes Healthy adults
[41] 114 57 P Yes/RIA −50 +5 +50 Yes Healthy adults
[149] 101 60 P Yes/RIA −1 +1 +4 +10 +30 Yes Healthy adults
Studies using the TSST with modifications, interventions, or specific samples
[150] 51 100 P Yes/RIA −10 +1 No Lactating women, postpartum non-lactating, healthy controls
[151] 47 100 P Yes/EIA −1 +10 +17 +10 N/A Breastfeeding before TSST, history of depression or anxiety, current postpartum depression, healthy controls; some samples taken during task
[152] 61 100 P Yes/RIA −10 +1 No All had significant other for at least 12 months; three conditions with partner, social interaction, verbal social support, neck and shoulder massage
[153] 43 100 P Yes/RIA −1 +1 +30 No Lactating women, one group holding baby and other breastfeeding before TSST
[154] 67 100 P Yes/EIA −15; −1 +5 +15 +30 No One group had a social support intervention before the TSST, one completed a standard TSST, and a control group didn’t do the TSST
[155] 172 60 P No/EIA −1 +15 No Healthy sample; several aspects of TSST were altered
[156] 80 69 P Yes/RIA −1 +1 +20 Yes History of sexual abuse in childhood; survivors of cancer during childhood, healthy controls. Across all participants, significant change during recovery only
[157] 39 53 P No/EIA −60 +1 No Allergies, healthy controls
[158] 73 100 P No/EIA −15 +1 +60 No Post-menopausal women on hormone therapy

Pierrehumbert et al. [160] also included the TSST, but it used the same sample as Pierrehumbert et al. [156], so it was not included in the table. McQuaid et al. [154] included one group of healthy adults that completed the TSST (n = 23) but was not listed in the first part of the table to avoid redundancy.

S saliva, P plasma, B baseline: minutes before TSST onset, T1 Time 1 in minutes post-TSST completion, T2 Time 2 in minutes post-TSST completion, etc., TSST Trier Social Stress Test, EIA enzyme immunoassay, RIA radioimmunoassay.