A, Western blot analysis of human iPSC-derived NES cells expressing either empty vector (EV) or Flag-tagged MYCN together with control cells expressing loss of function PTCH1 mutation. B-C, Treatment of NES cells expressing either MYCN or mutant PTCH1 and their corresponding EVs with JG-231 (B) and Bortezomib (C) for 24 hours. A Cell Titer Glo assay was performed and relative survival for each genotype was plotted normalized to cells treated with DMSO (n > 3). D, Measurement of tumor volumes over 49 days of JG-231 treatment. MYCN overexpressing NES cells were orthotopically implanted into immunocompromised mice and treated for 49 days with JG-231. A two-way ANOVA test was performed. E, Measurement of tumor weight on Day 49 of JG-231 treatment, corresponding to (D). A multiple t-test was performed. F, Measurement of tumor volumes over 39 days of JG-231 treatment. MYCN-independent PDX PTCH1 mutant line, MED1712-FH, were grown and treated with JG-231 for 39 days. G, Measurement of tumor weight on Day 49 of JG-231 treatment, corresponding to (F).