Figure 8:
A-C) Control C2C12 or one of two different DNAJB4 knockout (B4KO) lines were placed in differentiation media for 5 days and then the differentiation index, number of nuclei/myotube and total number of myotubes was quantitated. D) Immunoblots of lysates from undifferentiated (0) or 5- and 10-days post differentiation of control or DNAJB4 knockout C2C12 cells (B4KO1 or B4KO2) with antibodies to DNAJB4, desmin, α-actinin or GAPDH. E) Immunoblots of lysates from differentiated (5 days) C2C12 or B4KO myotubes following detergent lysis and ultracentrifugation into a total (T) lysate, soluble (S) fraction and insoluble (I) fraction with antibodies to DNAJB6, desmin, CRYAB and myotilin. F) Immunofluorescent images of 5 day differentiated C2C12 or B4 KO myotubes using an antibody to desmin (green) and myotilin (red upper panels) or phalloidin (red lower panels). G) Graph of the percentage of fibers with desmin inclusions in control or DNAJB4 KO myotubes.