Fig. 6. Profilin 1 insufficiency underlies cell division defects in vivo.
a Representative images of micronuclei (white arrows) in mesenchymal cells isolated from the calvarias of Pfn1 knock-in (c.318_321del/WT) mice; scale bar 10 µm. b Quantification (%) of micronuclei in normal (WT/WT) and Profilin 1-deficient (c.318_321del/WT) mesenchymal cells; data are shown as mean ± s.e.m.; dots represent the value of each experiment (n = 4 biological replicates for WT samples, five biological replicates for mutant samples; scoring a total of 485 WT and 464 mutant cells; range of number of cells used for each individual experiment: 93-164 WT/WT, 67-107 c.318_321del/WT); *P = 0.0312. One-tailed unpaired Student’s t tests performed. c Quantification (%) of binucleation in normal (WT/WT) and Profilin 1-deficient (c.318_321del/WT) mesenchymal cells; data are shown as mean ± s.e.m.; dots represent the value of each experiment (n = 4 biological replicates for WT samples, five biological replicates for mutant samples; scoring a total of 646 WT and 711 mutant cells; range of number of cells used for each individual experiment: 103-234 WT/WT, 102-169 c.318_321del/WT); ns P = 0.0778. One-tailed unpaired Student’s t tests performed. d Images of primary Pfn1WT/WT and Pfn1c.318_321del/WT mesenchymal cells stained for F-actin (phalloidin, red) and nuclei (Hoechst 33342, blue); scale bars 50 µm. Arrowheads point towards trinucleated cells. Note that Profilin 1 insufficiency results in large cells with a loose actin cytoskeleton. e Representative haematoxylin/eosin-stained sections of the femoral epiphyseal growth plate of 4-month-old control (Pfn1WT/WT) and knock-in (Pfn1c.318_321del/WT) mice; scale bars 100 µm. Arrows point towards binucleated cells. f Quantification (%) of binucleated cells in the femoral growth plate of control (Pfn1WT/WT) and knock-in (Pfn1c.318_321del/WT) mice; data are shown as mean ± s.e.m.; dots represent the value of each experiment (n = 3 biological replicates; scoring ≥ 61 cells per replicate; **P = 0.0054. One-tailed unpaired Student’s t tests performed). g Haematoxylin/eosin-stained sections showing trinucleated cells (arrowheads) in 4-month-old Pfn1c.318_321del/WT mice; scale bar 100 µm.