Fig. 27.
Nanomaterials-based platforms for bone infection. A) Sonocatalytic mechanism of HNTM-MoS2 and the efficient SDT treatment of osteomyelitis through rapid MRSA elimination and detoxification. (i) HRTEM images of HNTM, MoS2 nanosheets, and HNTM-MoS2 [303]. The images reproduced with the permission from American Chemical Society. B) Synthesis of the RBC-HNTM-Pt@Au, sonocatalytic mechanism, and the treatment of osteomyelitis through efficient SDT (ii) Corresponding SEM images of the MRSA [304]. The images reproduced with the permission from American Chemical Society. C). Schematic summarizing the multiple therapeutic actions of Cu-NGp coordinated in the osteomyelitis treatment (iii) X-ray images and the densitometry analyses [305]. The images reproduced with the permission from Elsevier Ltd. D). Schematics of HMMP In Situ Nanovaccination [307]. The image reproduced with the permission from American Chemical Society.