Fig. 4.
Groups of agents for whom on-demand PrEP was optimal in Harlem (A, C, E) and Bangkok (B, D, F). A & B: Absolute percent difference in effectiveness and relative difference in pill taking between daily and on-demand PrEP. Colored dots represent agents for whom on-demand PrEP was optimal and gray dots represent agents for whom daily PrEP was optimal. C–F: Predicted proportion of agents for whom on-demand PrEP was optimal by adherence to daily PrEP (C & D) and sex frequency (E & F) and by optimality criteria. Criterion 1: any improvement in effectiveness with fewer pills taken than daily PrEP; Criterion 2: >10 percentage points (pp) higher effectiveness than daily PrEP; Criterion 3: <10 pp lower effectiveness than daily PrEP with fewer than half the number of pills taken. Note difference in size between adherence groups in Table 2.