Fig. 4.
Relative risk of interstitial pneumonitis under different therapies in non-small cell lung cancer patients from a validation cohort. A Each cell contains the odds ratio and its 95% confidence interval of IP under treatment in the rows using that in the column as a reference. All of the numbers in bold were statistically significant. B The black bar stands for all patients with any grade IP under different therapies and the red bar for patients with grade 3 or higher IP and treated by certain therapy. The P-value for adjusted ROR was calculated using a multivariable logistic regression model and was adjusted by using the “p.adjusted()” command in R. Abbreviations: RT, radiation therapy; ICI, immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy; CHEMO, chemotherapy; TARGET, targeted therapy; poly, multiple kinds of treatments; multitherapy, all the other multimodal therapies except the listed therapies