Fig. 1. Integrated modeling of bleach cleaning events.
a A schematic of the kinetic model to simulate a cleaning event at the HOMEChem campaign. b The floor plan of the test house and computational fluid dynamics modeling geometry (Win: window, AHU: air handling unit, EA: exhaust air, OA: outside air). The yellow marks are solar radiation zones and blue marks are cleaning area. Nine points (P1–P9) at 1.5 m above the cleaning floor surface are the calculation points in CFD simulations. The vertical red line represents the cross-section used for the vertical maps presented in Fig. 2. c Temporal evolution of (i) OH, (ii) HOCl, (iii) NCl3, and (iv) NH3 as measured (red) and simulated by the CFD (dark blue), the INDCM (open markers in c (i)), and the multiphase kinetic model (open markers in c (ii–iv)). The error bars in (c) represent the 1σ precision of the OH measurements and are separate from the calibration accuracy (±18%, 1σ).