Characteristics of included studies in the meta-analysis.
First author | Study name | Country | Sample size | Age at baseline (years) | Gender | Study period | Screen equipment | Depression measurement | Depression at baseline | Follow-up time (months) | Covariates adjustment |
Primack et al. (41) | Add Health | America | 4,142 | Mean 21.8 ± 1.82 | M/F | General | TV, videocassettes, computer games | CES-D | Excluded | 84 | Sex, age, race, ethnicity, maternal educational level, the participants’ marital status and highest level of educational attainment at follow-up |
Lucas et al. (46) | the Nurses’ Health Study | USA | 49,821 | Range 30–55 | F | General | TV | Both depression diagnosis and use of antidepressants | Excluded | 120 | Age, time interval, current postmenopausal hormonal use, body mass index, marital status, involvement in a social or community group, smoking status, total energy intake, coffee intake, reported diagnosis of diabetes mellitus, cancer, myocardial infarction or angina, high blood pressure, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, asthma, emphysema, categories of television watching, categories of physical activity, physical limitations in 1992, five-item Mental Health Index score in 1992 |
Thomée et al. (44) | None | Sweden | 4,156 | Range 20–24 | M/F | General | Mobile phone | Two items from Prime-MD | Excluded | 12 | Relationship status, educational level, and occupation |
Thomée et al. (45) | None | Sweden | 4,163 | Range 20–24 | M/F | General | Computer | Two items from Prime-MD | Excluded | 12 | Relationship status, educational level, and occupation |
Grøntved et al. (51) | EYHS | Danish | 435 | Mean 15.6 ± 0.4 | M/F | General | TV and computer | MDI | Excluded | 144 | Age at baseline, follow-up time, sex, parental education level, parental marital status, smoking status, and alcohol intake in adolescence, and with school id treated as a random effect, BMI in adolescence, cardiorespiratory fitness in adolescence |
Sui et al. (38) | ACLS | America | 4,802 | Range 18–80; mean 48.4 ± 9.8 | M/F | General | TV | CES-D | Excluded | 464 | Age, gender, education, marital status, employment status, current smoker, body mass index, diabetes, and MVPA (hours/week) |
Padmapriya et al. (43) | GUSTO | Asia | 1,144 | Mean 30.7 ± 5.1 | F | During pregnancy | TV | EPDS | Included | 17 | Age, education, working during pregnancy, household income, smoking history, parity during pregnancy, and pregnancy BMI |
Wu et al. (39) | China | 2,521 | Mean 18.43 ± 0.96 | M/F | General | Video; computer, TV/video programs | CES-D | Included | 14 | Sex, age, residential background, BMI, perceived family economy, sleep quality, smoking, alcohol intake, exercise after school and physical activity | |
Khouja et al. (40) | the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children, a UK-based prospective cohort study | UK | 1,869 | 16 | M/F | General | TV, computer, texting | CIS-R | Included | 24 | Sex, maternal age, anxiety at age 15, maternal anxiety and depression, maternal education, parental socioeconomic position, also adjusted for child IQ, parental conflict, presence of the child’s father, number of people living in the child’s home, bullying and family TV use in early life, time spent alone (weekdays or weekends, as applicable) |
Liu et al. (37) | China | 3,396 | Range 14–24; mean 18.3 ± 1.7 | M/F | General | Mobile phone | BDI | Excluded | 8 | Age, sex, and other sociodemographics with significant associations with LTMPU at baseline; lifestyle practice and health conditions with significant associations with LTMPU at baseline | |
Zink et al. (42) | H&H | USA | 2,525 | Range 13–16; mean 14.6 | M/F | General | TV, computer/ videogame |
RCADS | Included | 12 | Demographic characteristics of sex, age, race, ethnicity, and highest parental education, SES, BMI percentile based on self-reported height and weight using the age- and sex-normed CDC standardized guideline, baseline Major Depressive Disorder, baseline computer/videogame use, baseline television viewing |
Choi et al. (49) | Phenotypic and genomic data from over 100,000 UK Biobank participants | British | 100,517 | Range 18+ | M/F | General | TV, computer | PHQ-9 | Excluded | 96 | Participant characteristics (sex, age, assessment center), sociodemographic factors (socioeconomic deprivation, employment status, household income, completion of higher education, urbanicity, household size), and physical health factors (BMI and reported physical illness or disability) |
Meyer et al. (48) | the COVID-19 and Well-being Study | USA | 2,327 | Range 18+ | M/F | During COVID-19 pandemic | Screen not specific | BDI | Included | 2 | Age and sex, public health guidelines, time point (nine time points; weeks 0–8), and the interaction of time with each factor |
Sarris et al. (35) | the UK Biobank | UK | 31,343 | Range 37–73; mean 56.7 ± 8.1 | M/F | General | TV, computer | An item from PHQ-9 | Excluded | 120 | Age, gender, ethnicity, social deprivation, education, and BMI |
Ayuso-Mateos et al. (52) | the Edad con Salud project | Spain | 1,103 | Range 18+ mean 54.8 ± 16.4 | M/F | During COVID-19 pandemic | Screen not specific | CIDI | Excluded | 2 | Age, sex, education level, whether the participant lived alone (both before and during the lockdown), whether the participant had co-habited/was co-habiting with a relative isolated by COVID-19, whether the participant had been/was concerned about a relative/friend infected by COVID-19, whether the participant had been infected with COVID-19 and its severity, whether the participant had enough quietness at home to get proper rest, whether the house-hold economic situation had worsened due to the COVID-19 emergency, whether the participant had been unemployed due to the COVID-19 emergency, time a day spent in front of screens during the lockdown (working and non-working), pre- and post-measure levels of physical activity |
Kandola et al. (47) | the Millennium Cohort Study | UK | 7,701 | 11 | M/F | General | Video games, social media and leisure-time internet use | sMFQ | Included | 36 | Gender, socioeconomic position (household income), baseline emotional symptoms, self-reported maternal history of a depression or anxiety diagnosis, the self-reported experience of bullying, self-reported physical activity, and standardized, BMI |
Liu et al. (36) | MABC | China | 2,490 | 0 | M/F | General | TV, electronic products (mobile phones, tablets, computers and others) | SDQ | Excluded | 48 | Age, gender, number of siblings, delivery model, birth weight, maximum educational level of parents, family income, passive smoking, outdoor activities |
Pimenta et al. (50) | the SUN Project | Spanish | 12,691 | Mean 36.7 ± 11.5 | M/F | General | TV, computer | DSM-IV | Excluded | 21 | Gender, marital status, years of university education, working hours, living status, hanging out with friends, smoking, physical activity, total energy intake, Mediterranean diet score, baseline self-perception of competitiveness, anxiety, and dependence levels, baseline BMI, use of tranquilizers or anxiolytics, insomnia, sleeping hours |
USA, the United States; UK, the United Kingdom; F, female; M, male; Add Health, the National Longitudinal Survey of Adolescent Health; EYHS, the Danish cohorts of the European Youth Heart Study; ACLS, Aerobics Center Longitudinal Study; GUSTO, the growing up in Singapore toward healthy outcomes; H&H, the Happiness and Health study; MABC, the Ma’anshan Birth Cohort prospective cohort study; SUN, the “Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra” project; TV, television; CES-D, the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression scale; Prime-MD, Primary care evaluation of mental disorders; MDI, the Major Depression Inventory; EPDS, the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale; CIS-R, self-administered, computerized version of the revised Clinical Interview Schedule; BDI, the Beck Depression Inventory; RCADS, the Revised Children’s Anxiety and Depression Scale; PHQ-9, the Patient Health Questionnaire-9; CIDI, the Chinese version of the computerized Composite International Diagnostic Inventory; sMFQ, short Moods and Feelings Questionnaire; SDQ, the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire; DSM-IV, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders; BMI, body mass index; SES, socioeconomic status; MVPA, moderate and vigorous physical activity; LTMPU, long-time mobile phone use; CDC, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; SES, socioeconomic status; COVID-19, coronavirus disease 2019; IQ, intelligence quotient.