Figure 4:
2x2 tables showing the number of eyes where the DA response measures increased or decreased at 3 year relative to the baseline values. The diagonal elements show the number of agreements and off-diagonal elements show disagreement between the two quantities being compared. Here, agreement means that the difference in the DA response between baseline and 3 year follow up was in the same direction (positive or negative) for the two measures being compared. (Left) AUDAC6.5 and AUDAC20 values both increased at 3 year relative to baseline in 29 eyes, and both decreased in 7 eyes (87% agreement). In 6 eyes, the two measures trended in the opposite direction (off-diagonal elements). (Center) RIT values and AUDAC20 values increased at 3 year for 18 eyes and decreased for 6 eyes. In 7 eyes, the changes in RIT and AUDAC20 were not consistent. Only eyes with RIT < 20 minutes at baseline were considered for this table (n=31). (c) AUDAC6.5 and RIT values both increased at 3 year for 19 eyes, both decreased in 4 eyes, and trended in opposite direction for 8 eyes.