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. 2001 Apr;69(4):2318–2327. doi: 10.1128/IAI.69.4.2318-2327.2001


Agglutination phenotypes associated with PapG variants and S fimbriae

Adhesina Agglutination intensity
HA inhibition (A1P1 RBC)c
Neuraminidase sensitivity of HAc
A1P1, OP1, or pig RBCb Sheep RBC Pk1 RBC P beads Pigeon egg white Fetuin A1P1 RBC OP1 RBC Sheep RBC
PapG III +++ ++++ Yes No No Vard No
PapG II ++++ +++ +++ +++ Yes No No Var No
PapG I + III ++++ ++++ +++ ++++ Yes No No Var No
PapG I +++ + ++ +++ Yes No No Var NAe
PapG I′ +++ ++++ ++ +++ Yes No No Yes No
S fimbriae +++ +++ ++ No Yes Yes Nof Yes

Strains used included BOS080, BOS060, and P678-54/pJFK102 (PapG III), IA2 and HB101/pDC1 (PapG II), J96 (PapG I + III), P678-54/pRHU845 (PapG I), L31 (PapG I′), and HU968-298 (S fimbriae). 


RBC, erythrocytes. A1P1, OP1, and Pk1 RBC are from human donors. 


HA, hemagglutination. Inhibition and sensitivity defined as at least a two-level decrease in agglutination intensity (strongest to weakest, ++++ to −) in the presence of inhibitor or after neuraminidase digestion, respectively. 


var., variable between experiments. 


NA, not applicable (no HA of sheep RBC). 


HA intensity decreased by one intensity level with neuraminidase digestion in both of two trials.