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. 2022 Sep 8;50(2):410–422. doi: 10.1007/s00259-022-05958-8

Table 1.

Baseline demographics

N = 187
Demographics Age, mean ± SD 64.61 ± 7.61
Sex, n female (%) 73 (39.04%)
Education, median [IQR] 6 [5–6]
APOE4 carriership, n (%) 69 (39.20%)
Amyloid positivity, n (%)† 45 (24.06%)
Fazekas, mean ± SD 0.88 ± 0.79
Microbleeds, n (%)‡ 32 (17.11%)
Clinical progression, n (%)¤ 13 (6.95%)
Concurrent Annual change
Amyloid burden BPND frontal 0.18 (0.012) 0.02 (0.003)*
BPND temporal 0.13 (0.009) 0.01 (0.002)*
BPND parietal 0.21 (0.012) 0.01 (0.002)*
BPND occipital 0.20 (0.009) 0.00 (0.002)
BPND composite 0.17 (0.010) 0.01 (0.002)*
Relative cerebral blood flow R1 frontal 0.93 (0.004) 0.01 (0.002)*
R1 temporal 0.89 (0.004) 0.003 (0.001)*
R1 parietal 0.95 (0.004)  − 0.003 (0.002)*
R1 occipital 0.98 (0.004)  − 0.003 (0.002)
R1 composite 0.92 (0.004) 0.002 (0.010)
Neuropsychological tests VAT-A 11.53 (0.053)  − 0.04 (0.013)*
RAVLT immediate 44.77 (0.594) 0.62 (0.150)*
RAVLT delayed 8.99 (0.196) 0.11 (0.048)*
Animal fluency 23.56 (0.364) 0.02 (0.061)
TMT-A§  − 3.47 (0.020)  − 0.001 (0.003)
TMT-B§  − 4.32 (0.024)  − 0.004 (0.003)
Stroop I§  − 3.75 (0.011) 0.002 (0.002)
Stroop II§  − 4.05 (0.012) 0.01 (0.002)*
Stroop III§  − 4.52 (0.016) 0.02 (0.003)*
MMSE 28.76 (0.071) 0.05 (0.024)

Baseline demographics in the total sample. Data is presented as mean (SE) unless otherwise specified. Values for BPND, R1, and cognitive test results do not represent the observed data but are obtained using linear mixed models with time as only predictor (intercept as concurrent value at time of baseline PET scan; beta associated with time as value for annual change). Annual change for BPND and R1 is based on the subset with an available follow-up PET (n = 83)

*p value < 0.05

Amyloid positivity as determined by visual assessment of baseline [18F]florbetapir PET

Values are dichotomized into 0 counts and ≥ 1 counts; n shown is number of participants with ≥ 1 count

§Values are log transformed and inverted such that a lower score implies a worse test result, complicating interpretation of values

¤Clinical progression to mild cognitive impairment n = 9, AD dementia n = 2, dementia with Lewy bodies n = 1, vascular dementia n = 1

BPND binding potential, VAT Visual Association Test, RAVLT Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Task, TMT Trail Making Test, MMSE Mini-Mental State Examination