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. 2023 Jan 6;2023(1):CD013778. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD013778.pub2

Scherer 2000.

Study characteristics
Methods Study design: RCT
Study grouping: parallel‐group
Participants Baseline characteristics
  • N (randomized/analyzed): not reported/15

  • Loss to follow‐up or excluded: not reported

  • Age, mean (SD) in years: 66.9 (9.2)

  • Gender (M/F): 9/6

  • BMI, mean (SD), kg/m²: 23.8 (3)

  • N (randomized/analyzed): 15

  • Loss to follow‐up or excluded: not reported

  • Age, mean (SD): 71.0 (4.6)

  • Gender (M/F): 10/5

  • BMI, mean (SD), kg/m²: 25.9 (3.48)

  • N (randomized/analyzed): 34/30

  • Loss to follow‐up or excluded: 4

  • Range age (min, max): 46,80

  • Gender (M/F): 19/11

  • COPD stage (GOLD): moderate to severe

Included criteria
  • Chronic airflow obstruction (FEV1 < 70%pred, FEV1/FVC < 70%pred, < 15% improvement in FEV1 after bronchodilatation with 200 mg of albuterol inhaled from a pressurized metered‐dose inhaler with a spacer)

  • Aged 20‐80 years

  • A stable clinical condition for at least 1 month

  • The patients’ physical activity had to be limited by pulmonary dyspnea only

Excluded criteria
  • Patients with dyspnea at rest

  • Cardiac disease, poor compliance, drug or alcohol abuse, pregnancy or lactation, a requirement for supplemental oxygen, CO2 retention, or use of any mechanical ventilatory support

Interventions Intervention characteristics
IMT: respiratory muscle endurance training was conducted twice daily, 5 d/week for 8 weeks. The device was developed and consisted of tubing (I.D. 5 19 mm) connecting a rebreathing bag with a mouthpiece at a 90° angle. The breathing frequency was 60% of MVV.
Control/sham: participants trained following the same pattern of the description above, at no load using incentive spirometer (COACH 2 Volumetric Incentive Spirometer; DHD Healthcare, Canastota, NY). The respiratory rate was 6‐8 breaths/min, and the target inspiration was set at 70% of each participant’s ventilatory capacity.
Outcomes Dyspnea: BDI‐TDI (Total)
Functional exercise capacity: 
  • 6MWD

  • Exercise time (treadmill)

Respiratory muscle strength: PImax (RV)
Laboratory exercise test: VO2peak (mL/kg/min)
Respiratory muscle endurance time: Tlim
  • Notes: respiratory muscle endurance was measured as sustained ventilation at 66% of each participant’s highest MVV. The time during which participants were able to sustain this target ventilation was recorded. If a participant surpassed 15 min of breathing at this level, the test was repeated on the following day at 75% of MVV.

Respiratory function: FEV1 (%pred)
Identification Sponsorship source: supported by grants from Astra Pharmaceutica, Dietikon, and Merck Sharpe and Dohme‐Chibret, and Rhône‐Poulenc Rorer
Country: Switzerland
Setting: outpatient clinic of the Pulmonary Division of the Triemli Hospital
Author's name: Thomas A. Scherer
Institution: LungenZentrum Hirslanden
Address: Witellikerstrasse 36, 8008 Zurich, Switzerland