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. 2023 Jan 6;2023(1):CD013778. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD013778.pub2

Risk of bias for analysis 1.11 Health‐related quality of life (HRQoL): COPD Assessment Test (CAT).

Study Bias
Randomisation process Deviations from intended interventions Missing outcome data Measurement of the outcome Selection of the reported results Overall
Authors' judgement Support for judgement Authors' judgement Support for judgement Authors' judgement Support for judgement Authors' judgement Support for judgement Authors' judgement Support for judgement Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Schultz 2018 Some concerns No information about allocation concealment. Low risk of bias ITT was balanced between the groups Low risk of bias Missingness was balanced between the groups Low risk of bias Participant‐reported outcome that involves judgements, and a sham was used Low risk of bias No differences between the trial register, the methods and the results sections. Some concerns Lack of details about allocation concealment.
Wang 2017 Low risk of bias The allocation sequence was random, concealed, and baseline characteristics were similar between the groups. Low risk of bias ITT analysis was conducted Low risk of bias Taking account only 7% of the data were missing, we considered LOCF a valid imputation method for this kind of intervention. High risk of bias Participants were not blinded, and it is an observer reported outcome that involves judgements. Some concerns Only the journal article is available, and both adjusted and unadjusted analysis were reported. High risk of bias Participants were not blinded and only the journal article is available.