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. 2022 Dec 23;15(1):79. doi: 10.3390/cancers15010079

Table 1.

Characteristics of the French nuclear worker cohort SELTINE, followed-up for mortality over period 1968–2014.

Characteristics Male Female Total
Number of workers 69,487 10,861 80,348
Number of person-years 2,202,492 352,062 2,554,554
Median year of birth (range) 1951 (1893–1984) 1947 (1896–1983) 1951 (1893–1984)
Follow-up (1968–2014), in years (SD)
Mean duration 31.7 (11.4) 32.4 (13.0) 31.8 (11.6)
Mean age at beginning of follow-up 31.1 (8.1) 31.0 (8.8) 31.1 (8.2)
Mean age at end of follow-up 62.8 (13.6) 63.4 (15.3) 62.9 (13.9)
Vital status on 31 December 2014, n (%)
Alive 55,134 (79.3) 9164 (84.4) 64,298 (80.0)
Deceased 14,131 (20.4) 1564 (14.4) 15,695 (19.5)
Lost to follow-up 222 (0.3) 133 (1.2) 355 (0.5)
Median year of hiring (range) 1977 1938–2004 1974 1940–2003 1977 1938–2004
Mean age at hiring, in years (SD) 26.4 (6.3) 26.1 (7.0) 26.3 (6.4)
Mean duration, in years (SD) 26.5 (9.0) 24.4 (10.6) 26.2 (9.2)
Hired after 1956, n (%) 66,003 (95.0) 10,239 (94.3) 76,242 (94.9)
Number of person-years by principal * employing company (%)
CEA 1,133,865 (51.5) 284,956 (80.9) 1,418,821 (55.5)
Orano 232,415 (10.5) 17,247 (4.9) 249,662 (9.8)
EDF 768,889 (34.9) 39,299 (11.2) 808,188 (31.6)
Other ** 67,323 (3.1) 10,560 (3.0) 77,883 (3.1)
Socioeconomic status, n (%)
Managers and engineers 13,466 (19.4) 2492 (22.9) 15,958 (19.9)
Administrative employees 2909 (4.2) 3952 (36.4) 6861 (8.5)
Skilled workers 40,537 (58.3) 3448 (31.8) 43,985 (54.7)
Unskilled workers 11,787 (17.0) 827 (7.6) 12,614 (15.7)
Unknown 788 (1.1) 142 (1.3) 930 (1.2)
Monitoring of external radiation exposure, in years
Mean duration (SD) 21.2 (9.9) 15.0 (9.8) 20.3 (10.1)
Mean age at last monitoring (SD) 50.0 (9.7) 43.7 (11.5) 49.2 (10.2)
Number of exposed *** workers (%) 49,995 (71.9) 4585 (42.2) 54,580 (67.9)
Cumulative Hp(10) dose, in milliSieverts (SD)
Mean (SD), whole cohort 17.7 (39.7) 3.1 (13.7) 15.7 (37.5)
Median/IQR/maximum, whole cohort 2.1/0.0–16.1/668.6 0.0/0.0–0.9/573.9 1.3/0.0–13.0/668.6
Mean (SD), exposed *** workers only 24.7 (44.9) 7.3 (20.4) 23.1 (43.6)
Person-years by categories of 10-years lagged cumulative Hp(10) dose in milliSievert, n (%)
<2.5 1,487,620 (67.6) 308,589 (87.7) 1,796,209 (70.3)
2.5 –4.9 128,096 (5.8) 13,295 (3.8) 141,391 (5.5)
5.0 –9.9 135,109 (6.1) 10,724 (3.0) 145,833 (5.7)
10.0–19.9 142,935 (6.5) 9470 (2.7) 152,405 (6.0)
20.0–49.9 169,571 (7.7) 7281 (2.0) 176,852 (6.9)
50.0–99.9 85,740 (3.9) 1865 (0.5) 87,605 (3.4)
100.0–199.9 42,162 (1.9) 641 (0.2) 42,803 (1.7)
≥200.0 11,259 (0.5) 197 (0.1) 11,456 (0.5)
Person-years by status of neutron exposure, n (%)
Not exposed 2,159,095 (98.0) 349,872 (99.4) 2,508,967 (98.2)
Potentially exposed 43,397 (2.0) 2190 (0.6) 45,587 (1.8)
Person-years by status of potential for internal contamination, n (%)
No 2,127,408 (96.6) 340,711 (96.8) 2,468,119 (96.6)
Low/medium potential 63,372 (2.9) 8780 (2.5) 72,152 (2.8)
High potential 11,712 (0.5) 2571 (0.7) 14,283 (0.6)

SD: standard deviation; IQR: interquartile range; * company in which the employee was hired for the longest period of time and, in case of a tie, the company corresponding to the first hiring is retained; ** mainly from subsidiaries of Orano; *** with at least one positive recorded dose.