Figure 5. LINKTREE binary divisive clustering analysis of the phytoplankton community at 37 sites.
Each split is constrained by a threshold of one of four best correlated pigments: alloxanthin (Allo), zeaxanthin (Zea), divinyl Chl b (DVChl b), and lutein (Lut). The first in-equality indicates sites to the left side of the split, the second sites to the right. The primary split is marked with A. Clusters marked with red dotted line are not significant by SIMPROF test. Split results: A- >B,K Allo < − 8, 89E +03 (>0,001); B-> C Lut < −8,89E +03 (>0,001) or Zea <0,065 (>0,111); K- >L,N Zea <0,007 (>0,012); N-> O Lut <0,007 (>0,01).